现松下在民用产品有70多个产品,小如电动牙刷、剃须刀,大到广播电视设备,以Panasonic ideas for life为口号。松下引以为傲的还有其专利数量和强大的自我开发能力,其家电产品的自有元件利用率高达80-90%以上。
参考资料来源:人民网-危机中育新机 变局中开新局
松下电器产业株式会社(日语:松下电器产业株式会社、まつしたでんきさんぎょう;英语:Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.)是日本的大型电器制造公司,总公司设於大阪。
* National:1922年起创立的品牌,寓意“国民的”。台湾中文名称是“国际牌”。目前仅在日本国内的白色家电产品使用此品牌。National品牌将於2009年停止使用。
* Panasonic(香港译名:乐声,中国大陆译名:松下电器):1955年起创立的品牌。松下电器进军美国时,原有的National品牌在美国已有公司注册,因此创立此品牌。现今为松下电器的主要品牌。
* Technics:为松下的电子琴、音响专用品牌(在香港已经并入 Panasonic)。
* Quasar:1974年松下购并美国摩托罗拉公司的家用电子部门时所继承的品牌,仅在北美洲的电子视听产品使用。
* M:为松下出品的电子零件(电容器等)因细小而无法打上品牌全名时所使用的替代标章。
* KDK:为松下出品的空气流动电器,其产品和National一样,每有新的KDK产品推出,National都一定有同功能,同样式的产品推出,这是由於松下电器以两个品牌,去占有两个不同的市场:KDK以电工材料公司为目标,而National以家庭为主。
* Rasonic:(乐信牌)原为香港的信兴集团旗下的子公司信兴电工工程有限公司自行开发的一个品牌。而松下电器中港澳的总代理为信兴集团。於1994年,松下和信兴成立合资公司松下信兴机电有限公司,自此Rasonic成了松下的品牌。
* JVC :(香港曾译为星牌)JVC (Japan Victor Company)成立於1927年,是当时美国的留声机及黑胶唱片的领导者Victor Talking Machine Company的子公司。1930年,JVC生产留声机及黑胶唱片。1932年,JVC开始生产收音机。1939年,展出日本第一台电视机。二战期间,日本公司与外国的合作夥伴断绝关系。1929年,JVC的大部份所有权转移到美国无线电公司(RCA)与胜利音产的合资公司RCA-Victor。直到1953年,JVC由松下电器所有,现在松下电器拥有JVC超过36.9%的股权。
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. (松下电器产业株式会社, Matsushita Denki Sangyō Kabushiki-gaisha?) (TYO: 6752, NYSE: MC) is a Japanese electronics manufacturer based in Kadoma, Osaka Prefecture, Japan. It produces products under a variety of names including Panasonic and Technics.
The company was founded by Konosuke Matsushita in 1918 to sell duplex lamp sockets. In 1927, it produced a bicycle lamp, the first product it marketed under the brand name National. Since then, it has become the largest Japanese electronics producer. In addition to electronics, Matsushita offers non-electronic products and services such as home renovation services.
Matsushita was ranked the 59th company in the world in 2007 by the Forbes Global 500 and is among the Worldwide Top 20 Semiconductor Sales Leaders.
The common English pronunciation is /ˌmɑtsuːˈʃiːtə/, while the proper Japanese pronunciation for the company is /matsɯɕ(i)ta/.
On January 10, 2008, the company announced that on October 1, 2008 it will change its name to Panasonic Corporation, unifying the Matsushita, National and Panasonic brands under the new corporate name.
Brands and divisions
Matsushita produces electronic products under a variety of names, including:
* Panasonic (home appliances for the overseas market, personal electronics, audio/video equipment, microchips, automotive components)
* National (home appliances for the Japanese market)
* Nais (components for automated systems, replaced by Panasonic in 2004)
* Quasar (lower-priced televisions, video equipment and appliances in the North American market—being phased out)
* Technics (audio equipment)
* Ramsa (professional audio equipment)
* Rasonic (as of 1994, home appliances for the Chinese market).
In many computer systems, Matsushita devices identify themselves as "MATSHITA", to fit the limit of 8 characters imposed by Microsoft Windows device handlers.
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. in Kadoma, Osaka, Japan. Foreground left: Matsushita Electric House of History; behind: Corporate RD laboratories
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. in Kadoma, Osaka, Japan. Foreground left: Matsushita Electric House of History; behind: Corporate RD laboratories
Matsushita was founded in 1918 by Konosuke Matsushita and operated factories in Japan and Asia through the end of World War II, producing electrical components and appliances such as light fixtures, motors, and electric irons.
After World War II, Matsushita regrouped and began to supply the post war boom in Japan with radios and appliances. Matsushita's brother-in-law, Toshio Iue founded Sanyo as a subcontractor for components after WWII. Sanyo grew to become a competitor to Matsushita.
In 1961, Konosuke Matsushita traveled to the United States and met with American dealers. Matsushita began producing television sets for the U.S. market under the Panasonic brand name, and expanded the use of the brand to Europe in 1979
The company used the National trademark outside of North America during the 1950s through the 1970s. It sold televisions, radios, and home appliances in some markets. The company began opening manufacturing plants around the world. It quickly developed a reputation for well-made reliable products.
The company debuted a hi-fi speaker in Japan in 1965 with the brand Technics. This line of high quality stereo components became worldwide favorites. The most famous product still made today is the SL-1200 record player, acknowledged for its high performance, precision, and durability.
During the 1970s, Matsushita further expanded into the U.S. market by purchasing Quasar from Motorola in 1974 and buying out MCA-Universal in 1989. Many American employees who transferred over from Motorola felt that they were discriminated against and filed a lawsuit in 1986 after three-quarters of American managers from the Quasar division were let go.
The company then became a major target of anti-Japanese sentiment among workers in the United States. However, the Japanese stock market crash of 1989–1990 caused Matsushita's international power to wane: the company sold many of its foreign assets in the 1990s, including Universal to Edgar Bronfman, Jr. of Seagram's.
In November 1999, the Japan Times reported that Matsushita planned to develop a "next generation first aid kit" called the Electronic Health Checker. At the time, the target market was said to be elderly people, especially those living in rural areas where medical help might not be immediataly available, so it was planned that the kit would include support for telemedicine. The kits were then in the testing stage, with plans for eventual overseas distribution, to include the United States.
In recent years the company has been involved with the development of high-density optical disc standards intended to eventually replace the DVD and the SD memory card.
Since the spring of 2004, Matsushita has used Panasonic as its primary global brand. The matsushita.co.jp website now redirects to panasonic.co.jp.
On January 19, 2006 Matsushita announced that, starting in February, it will stop producing analog televisions (then 30% of its total TV business) to concentrate on digital TVs.
On January 10, 2008 Matsushita announced that it intends to change the company name to Panasonic, effective October 1, 2008. The decision is pending on approval at the firm's annual shareholder's meeting in June.
中文名:松下电器 英文名:Panasonic日文名:パナソニック株式会社日本总公司名称为了与其主打英语商标Panasonic统一,已于2008年10月1日起,改名为パナソニック株式会 社,(Panasonic Co., Ltd.)(原名:松下电器产业株式会社)是日本的大型电器制造公司,总公司设于大阪府门真市。注:パナソニック为Panasonic的日本语片假名的写法。
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