Here is my E-mail address. 或者 This is my E-mail address.
Any comment and advice would be the most appreciated!
replied E-mail
我们公司的邮件是outlook 就是英文的 都是用reply表示回复的
1、Thank you. Your email is received and will be handled as soon as possible。(谢谢你。您的邮件已收到,我会尽快处理)。
2、This is an automatic reply, confirming that your email was received.I will reply as soon as possible.Thank you(这是自动回复,已确认收到您的电子邮件.我将尽快回复,谢谢)。
3、Thank you for your letter, it has been added to the queuing system.(谢谢你的来信,它已被添加到列队等候系统)。
4、Hi, I was thinking about what you just sent me. Please wait by the computer and wait for my reply.(嗨,我在想你刚刚发给我的东西。请侯在电脑旁边等我回复)。
5、I won't have time to delete your email until I come back from vacation. Be patient, I'll deal with it in the order you sent it.(要等我休假回来我才有时间删你发来的邮件哦。耐心点,我会按你发的顺序依次处理的)。
This is my email address.
This is my email address.
This is my new email address, you can through the mailbox to find me, to keep in touch!
1、Thank you. Your email is received and will be handled as soon as possible。(谢谢你。您的邮件已收到,我会尽快处理)。
2、This is an automatic reply, confirming that your email was received.I will reply as soon as possible.Thank you(这是自动回复,已确认收到您的电子邮件.我将尽快回复,谢谢)。
1、Out Of Office Message – Basic Example Template。
Hi there,Thank you for your email。
I will be out of the office from mm/dd to mm/dd and will have limited access to email / will not have access to email。
If this is urgent, please contact [NAME] at [EMAIL] or [PHONE]。
I will do my best to respond。promptly to your email when I return on mm/dd。
2、Lead Generation。
Hello and thanks for your email. I’m currently out of the office until mm/dd with limited / no access to email。
If your request is urgent, please contact [NAME] at [EMAIL or PHONE]。
In the mean time, did you know we have a weekly / monthly enewsletter? Yep, you heard that right!
A weekly dose of all your favorite [COMPANY] content sent right to your inbox。
To ensure you don’t miss out on all the good stuff, sign up for our newsletter here。
I’ll be sure to get back to you when I return on mm/dd。
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