From delusion lead me to truth
From darkness lead me to light
From death lead me to immortality.
He who knows both knowledge and action, with action overcomes death and with knowledge reaches immortality.
In him are woven the sky and the earth and all the regions of the air, and in him rest the mind and all the powers of life. Know him as the ONE and leave aside all other words. He is the bridge of immortality.
Beyond the senses is the mind, and beyond the mind is reason, its essence. Beyond reason is the Spirit in man, and beyond this is the Spirit of the Universe, the evolver of all.
When the five senses and the mind are still, and reason itself rests in silence, then begins the Path supreme.
And when he is seen in his immanence and transcendence, then the ties that have bound the heart are unloosened, the doubts of the mind vanish, and the law of Karma works no more.
Main Title、Trinity Infinity、Follow Instructions、The White Rabbit等,没有日本组合的。
1. Linkin Park / Session 2’23”
2. Marilyn Manson / This is the New Shit 4’20”
3. Rob Zombie / Reload 5’45”
4. Rob Dougan / Furious Angels 5’29”
5. Deftones / Lucky You 4’08”
6. Team Sleep / The Passportal 2’55”
7. P.O.D. / Sleeping Awake 3’23”
8. Unloco / Bruises 2’36”
9. Rage Against The Machine / Calm Like A Bomb 4’58”
10. Oakenfold / Dread Rock 4’40”
11. Fluke / Zion 4’33”
12. Dave Matthews / When the World Ends (Oakenfold Remix)5’26”
13. Don Davis / Main Title 1’30”
14. Rob Dougan / Chateau 3’23”
15. Juno Reactor vs. Don Davis/ Burly Brawl 5’52”
16. Don Davis / “Matrix Reloaded” Suite 17’34”
是 Rob Zombie的《Dragula》,电影中放的是这首歌的Hot Rod Herman Remix版本,地址在这里。
1. Main Title
2. Trinity Dream
3. Enter the Nebuchadnezzar
4. Smith at the Door
5. Smith vs. Smith
6. Komit
7. Free Flight
8. Wonder of Zion
9. The Lascivious Lift
10. Link and Zee
11. Morpheus on the Mount
12. Goodbye Zion
13. The Bane Transformation
14. Bane Voyage
15. First, I Must Apoligize
16. The Industrial Highway
17. Oracle Oratory
18. Purpose that Created Us
19. Burly Brawl
20. Burly Brawl (alternate)
21. Multiple Replication
22. The Council of Cool
23. Meeting Merovingian
24. Niaiserie
25. Choice is an Illusion
26. Sample This
27. Meet the Keymaker
28. Some Skill
29. Chateau
30. Chateau Swashbuckling (alternate)
31. Double Trouble
32. Mona Lisa Overdrive
33. Truck vs. Truck
34. The Plan
35. The Final Flight of the Vigilant
36. Kill the Keymaker
37. Doddering Old Fool
38. The Problem is Choice
39. Window Switch
40. Neo Miraculous
41. No More Nebuchadnezzar
42. Contusion Conclusion
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