1第一步:解压文件——把我们下载的CAD2004 64位中文版解压出来。
3第三步:CAD2004 64位中文版的安装界面——在安装界面中点击“安装”开始安装CAD2004。
4第四步:CAD2004 安装向导界面——在安装向导界面点击“下一步”继续操作。
5第五步:CAD2004 64位中文版的许可协议界面——在国家/地区里面选择“China” 许可协议勾选“我接受” 点击“下一步”继续。
6第六步:CAD2004 64位中文版序列号输入界面——这里的序列号我们保持默认即可 点击“下一步”继续。
7第七步:CAD2004用户信息的输入——用户信息我们随意填写即可 点击“下一步”继续。
8第八步:CAD2004 64位中文版安装类型——根据自己的需求选择安装 在这里我就选择“典型”类安装 点击“下一步”继续。
9第九步:CAD2004 64位中文版的安装路径——CAD2004 64位中文版的安装路径根据自己的要求可以点击“浏览”自己更改 然后点击“下一步”。
10第十步:CAD2004的安装选项——在这个界面里我们保持默认就好。尽量不要更改 点击“下一步”继续操作。
11第十一步:确认安装CAD2004 64位中文版——点击“下一步”开始安装CAD2004 64位中文版。
12第十二步:正在安装CAD2004 64位中文版——此过程会持续几分钟.请耐心等待一下......。
15第十五步:开始破解CAD2004 64位中文版——在我们解压出来的文件里面找到“注册机”打开 双击“adesk”点击“是” 在双击“2K-xp”点击“是” 把信息添加到注册表。
16第十六步:破解完成--CAD2004 64位中文版安装成功——1.找到CAD2004的安装路径 2.把注册机里面的“LDCPATK-LIC”文件复制 3.把“LDCPATK-LIC”复制到CAD2004的安装路径 4.破解完成--CAD2004 64位中文版安装成功 现在大家可以使用CAD2004 64位中文版了。
我也喜欢2004, 稳定内存占用小,该有的功能都有,嘿
CAD PRO v4.0.14 自己动手改进居室中快速生成设计图
CAD.Pro是PC上最为有效的CAD工具, 用于在自己动手改进居室中快速生成设计图.
note:Creating a full blown 2D Computer Aided Design (CAD) program requires the combined efforts of dozens of programmers. Those programmers can't be just any old bunch of coders—no way. They've got to possess a broad range of deeply detailed knowledge about graphic design, page layout methods, vector graphics, mechanical industrial design, image editing, color, 2D rendering, text rendering, text formatting and a hundred other things too. It also helps if they know a bit about the various trades and disciplines at which the software is aimed. What I tried to figure out during the course of reviewing CADPro 4, was whether or not a CAD program selling for a lousy eighty bucks could possibly be any good. I was also determined to find out what compromises had to be made in order to justify a price that seems very low for a full-featured 2D CAD program. CADPro 4's strength comes only partly from the program installation. The rest of the value arrives in the form of plans projects—lots and lots of plans projects—an enormous supply of design symbols, a thorough tutorial CD, and a reasonably intuitive user interface. We tested CADPro 4 for several weeks at the offices of a busy construction company and the studio of a busy landscape architect. In both places the software was installed on Pentium 4/3.2GHz Windows XP computers running ATI Radeon 9600 128MB video cards and 1GB RAM. The construction company used CADPro for two sets of project plans. The company designer is very experienced with CAD software, so the adjustment to CADPro 4 was fairly easy. The first project was an extensive set of built-in cabinets for the main floor of a very large, designer home. The cabinetry specification included a variety of features such as a 120 bottle, refrigerated wine cellar component, entertainment section, 24 separate cupboards with various internal shelf and compartment configurations, and 200 total feet of open shelving. The second project was a set of plans for the conversion of a two car garage into a large workshop. The scope of the second project included a requirement for electrical, plumbing (small washroom) and mechanical drawings (a small HVAC unit) including ducts. The landscape architect used CADPro 4 to create the garden and planting layout for a 100,000 square foot (2.3 acre) lot backing onto a large country home. The design and layout included 22 separate flower and vegetable gardens joined by tumblestone walkways, integrated with accent shrubbery, shade trees and two Gazebos. Both designers made use of CADPro's Photo Pop-Up feature to include photos of actual materials, fixtures, shrubbery and other items. The cabinet designer also made use of the Audio Note feature to include des criptions of some of the cabinetry detail, particularly some of the complicated hinges and joinery. Obviously, these sorts of features work quite well when viewing the digital file, so if you're delivering the plans to a client via e-mail attachment or CD, be sure to include a ReadMe file which points out the additional features and the accompanying viewer. Any CADPro plans can be viewed on any Windows PC (Windows 98SE or newer) as long as you include the free CADPro viewer. Despite the large selection of symbols provided with the software, both designers spent a couple of hours creating a selection of their own symbols and primitives for use in the three projects. Both designers were clearly impressed with CADPro's speed, relative ease of use, versatility and its relatively low retail price. After seeing the results from the professionals, I decided to use CADPro for one of my office layout projects. I've been using several different programs over the past couple of years including Visio, AutoCAD and CADopia. The office layout I completed was for a 2,500 square foot space being occupied by a real estate broker. The layout included mechanicals, network drops, electrical runs, walls, doors, windows, desks and file cabinets, washrooms and lobby. Because I had watched the construction designer quite extensively, I felt relatively familiar with the software. The only real mistake I made was not creating the symbols and primitives/objects I needed before actually starting the layout process. Once I realized how much more efficient it is to do that beforehand, I stopped the layout process, made a list of symbols and objects, then went about the one hour process of creating them. After that, the layout went very quickly. Cons: A couple of minor boo-boos in the tutorial including a board positioning setting which is incorrect in the tree house. Screen redraws initially appear very sloppy because of the default scrolling setting of 5 pixels, so it's a good idea to adjust the increment to something smoother. The QuickTime tutorial video races by with little or no time for you to follow along by imitating the actions of the narrator. You'll find yourself constantly pausing the video, re-starting it, pausing, re-starting, etc., etc. The tutorial does not mention that you can save the floating toolbar palette positions, an important little point for newbies. Selecting drawing objects can be a bit fiddley because you have to get quite close to the corner or angle handles when you click to activate the item—clicking in the middle of an object does not select it. It's a minor quibble. Pros: No compromises—the software performs as advertised. The primary strength of the software seems to be 2D blueprint drafting and object/site layouts, and for this it works very well indeed. Output quality and detailed rendering are more than acceptable for working site plans as well as for submission with building permit applications. The free CADPro viewer is included in the program and is also available for free download from the CADPro web site, so anybody with a Windows PC can view your plans. There is some stiff competition in this product segment, but CADPro 4 holds its own and remains a worthwhile choice for builders, interior and exterior designers and planners, renovation contractors, and serious hobbyists. The program is supplied with content—lots and lots of content. The Plans Projects CD contains hundreds of complete plans, including corresponding materials lists, for everything from barbecue pits to garages and from bungalows to duplexes. There are also dozens of additional plans and projects and hundreds of design symbols installed with the main program. The software is suitable for use by professionals, hobbyists and even relative novices (who should definitely do the tutorial). The price is right. What more do you need?
那就安装破解版的吧 一样用
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