Tea-time again
All my favourite food again
I'll eat some chips and then
I will eat some more
Make them in your oven
Eat one or two dozen
Share them with your cousin
Or eat them all
Oh, I love fries and hash-browns
I'm the man who would kill for chips
I'd kill for chips
Oh, I'm addicted to potatoes
The man who would kill for
Man who would kill for
Man who would kill for chips
(Oh lovely chips)
(Oh lovely chips)
So I'll go in again
To my local chippy again
To buy some chips again
with my friend Ben
I'll add the salt again
Then put some vinegar in
Would you like any sauce my friend
Yes I'll have the lot
Oh, I am so hungry
I'm the man who would kill for chips
I'd kill for chips
Oh, I'm a chip-eating killer
The man who would kill for
Man who would kill for
Man who would kill for chips
(Oh yes he would)
(he really would, yes he ruddy would)
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